Moon and Back
Science Fair Organization & Mentorship
Increasing Access To Child Education
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
Awarded To Students In Science Fair Prize Money
Students Reached Through Educational Outreach Programs
Peer Assisted Study Sessions Held

Check Out Our 80+ Page Comprehensive Guide For All Things Science Fair
The Moon and Back Foundation is proud to announce the release of a comprehensive guide on developing and executing a winning science fair project, packed with expert advice, strong examples, and links to valuable resources to help students of all ages on their science fair journeys.

What We Do

We run three programs, both virtually and in-person.
Personal Science Fair Coaching
Distribution of STEM Resources
This summer we're hosting a science fair summer camp for elementary and middle school students to develop a top-notch science fair project competitive for local and county fairs. The camp will consist of optional Zoom meetings 2-3 times a week that mimic the meetings of a research lab to promote collaborative discussions.
We're working to distribute STEM resources in the form of things such as books and educational videos to students both locally and internationally in collaboration with nonprofits. Lack of resources is responsible for a large number of disparities at all levels of education.
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
PASS, or P​eer-A​ssisted Study Sessions, are student-led academic support groups, modeled after supplemental instruction.
Session leaders, with aid from the course teacher, assist small focus groups of students in free, voluntary sessions, often at regular intervals.